In Vanessa's large living room, it is important to have a large and flexible seating area for family and friends. Therefore, the DUNCAN modular sofa became the perfect solution in the Valderrama family's living room.

Vanessa is a 30-year-old entrepreneur who lives in a 150 square-meter house in Sigtuna with her partner and two daughters, where they have lived for eight years. During this time, they have carried out an extensive renovation to create a home that reflects their style and needs.
With a passion for creativity, Vanessa runs two businesses; Wenom, where she produces interior design details, and another company in marketing. So, Vanessa's days are filled with activity from morning to evening.
- I always start my day with some me-time for reflection and self-care, which is important for my well-being considering that my days are usually very hectic. I need to manage and develop my businesses, spend time with my family, and at the same time decorate our home, which is a great passion.
Vanessa has an interior style characterized by earthy tones and pursuit of harmony, although lately, she has become increasingly interested in adding color details to her decor.
When it was time for Vanessa to decorate the home's large living room, the keywords in choosing a sofa and coffee table were "large" and "family-friendly". The desire for a space for relaxation, togetherness, and the feeling of harmony, was of greater importance. So, when Vanessa found Rowico Home's large modular sofa Duncan, with the Taransay coffee table became the perfect solution.
- I appreciate the size and flexibility of the sofa. Now, we could create two large islands with sofas and a small table in between. The fact that the sofa is also very comfortable and has a simple Scandinavian style means it will accommodate our family and have a sustainable design that we will like for many years to come. The coffee tables, along with the sofas, really became the icing on the cake in our living room. The lovely travertine stone top meeting the brown oak legs makes our living room harmonious and gives a fantastic overall impression.
Vanessa believes it's important to think through what is important for oneself and one's home when choosing a sofa and coffee table. Her advice is to consider what is most important! Comfort, appearance, or practical aspects such as a sustainable design? Once you have thought through these questions, you will find a good choice for your home, according to Vanessa.