Claudia Galli Concha, who is a true entrepreneur, in her home and she has a lot going on. In addition to acting, running a PR communications agency and working with social media, family and home are the most important. A home that is constantly changing, most recently the dining area.
For many, Claudia is known as "Frida" from the TV series Skilda världar in Sweden, but she has a long list of credits when it comes to acting, as well as being a screenwriter, creator, and entrepreneur. She has many strings to her bow, but what is most important to her is her family and the home they have built together.
- My family, consisting of my husband and our children, and our life together, is the most important thing to me. To live and experience life with them is the best thing there is, says Claudia.
The Galli Concha family lives in a turn-of-the-century apartment that they love! One year ago, they considered doing a complete renovation, but time passed and they realized that they actually love the apartment as it is, so now they make small adjustments all the time instead. Among their recent projects was updating the heart of the home, the dining table, and chairs.
- I'm so happy about our new dining area. The dining area is sacred to us and we spend a lot of time there, so when I found a solid round wooden table that can be expanded when needed, the FILIPPA table was a natural choice. Then I fell in love with the CARMEN chair in whitewashed wood the first time I saw it, so it was natural to choose whitewashed for both the table and chair. SO pleased!

No day is ordinary in Claudia Galli Concha's life, but her home reflects her life.
- There's no typical day in my life, combining my work life with my personal life is a bit like playing Tetris, Claudia laughs.
Right now, Claudia is filming a new TV series while working on her social media, running a PR and communications agency, finishing up a product she's been working on for years (soon to be announced), and investing in companies she believes in. She also manages to make time for family and friends.
- My interior design style is a bit like my life. I like a lot of things and mix many different styles, new and old. I think our home should reflect us, there should be many things happening, and life should be visible and noticeable, explains Claudia.
Keep getting inspired by Claudia on Instagram @claudiagconcha.